


programs, textbooks and manuals, intercultural competence, lexicology, higher education, English language


The purpose of the article is to study the state of development of educational and methodological support for the lexicology of the English language in higher education institutions. The research methodology is based on a combination of structural-functional and cultural approaches. The first makes it possible to single out the structural components of lexicology curricula and determine their role in the system of teaching English in higher education institutions. The use of a cultural approach allows you to focus on those aspects that contribute to the formation of intercultural competence of philology bachelors. Within the limits of these approaches, the use of general scientific, in particular theoretical (analysis, generalization, classification) and special (comparative, structural) research methods is envisaged. The scientific novelty consists in an attempt at a systematic analysis of educational and methodological support in lexicology. Conclusions. According to regulatory documents, the educational process in higher education institutions is focused on the formation of an educated personality capable of professional mobility and quick adaptation to changes and development in the social and cultural sphere. Despite the fact that most modern programs and textbooks have a traditional structure and methods, they tend to improve in accordance with changes in the higher education system, social demand and requirements for European integration. The majority of programs from the course “Lexicology of the English language” contain material that deepens the understanding of one's own and foreign cultures, which will allow students to communicate freely with representatives of other nationalities. Textbooks and manuals are mostly aimed at a brief overview of theoretical aspects of lexicology and practical tasks for each topic, in which the use of nationally marked vocabulary and socioculturally saturated material is limited. Therefore, we recommend using workshops that contain authentic material based on the comparison of different cultural models and norms of communicative behavior.


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