


holistic health, productive thinking of specialists, difference in teaching and learning


The purpose of article for representatives of psychological and pedagogical, medical fields of activity, professional training of psychologists and doctors, the focus of attention is on fundamental difference in interpretation of the key terms «mental» and «psychological health» both in educational process and professional activities in educational and health care institutions, daily life of individuals, adequate planning of educational, psychodiagnostic, medical and preventive work with people of different ages, professional activity, state of psychosomatic health level of individuals. The cognitive interest of author and the materials personal publication of theoretical-methodological and empirical investigations in the Scientific Bulletin of the Vinnytsia Academy of Continuing Education No. 1 from 2024 also act as a mediating factor of article's purpose. The key words of scientific publication «Academy of Continuous Education» deserve attention and support, which is key motive of author's many years of scientific and pedagogical activity during the last 30 years of productive cooperation with various educational institutions of Ukraine (students, postgraduates, doctoral students, teachers, scientists). The methodological basis of article was a comparative theoretical and empirical analysis of founder’s problem publications over the past 20-25 years with modern developments of scientists in digital databases of different countries of the world. The scientific novelty of article content lies in coverage of a wide range of issues under influence of people's lifestyle in both peacetime and wartime, taking into account following phenomena: health, illness, borderline psychosomatic state between health and illness. The conclusions include alternative definitions of mental and psychological health concepts, outlined differences and experience of teaching these theoretical and methodological constructs for students of psychologists and doctors. Emphasis is placed on the need to conduct statistical studies with relevant publications in scientific publications.


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