distance learning, methods of distance learning, innovations, interactive technologiesAbstract
This article analyzes the peculiarities of the introduction of distance learning methods in higher educational institutions of higher education institutions, its advantages and disadvantages. In particular, the article examines the challenges faced by higher education institutions in the process of transition to distance learning, as well as the prospects for the development of this form of education. The purpose of the article is to analyze the features of the introduction of distance learning methods into the educational process of higher education institutions. The following methods were used during the research: analysis and synthesis of literary sources, comparison, abstraction and systematization. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that the introduction of distance learning methods in higher education institutions is evident in connection with the following objective factors: first of all, large-scale hostilities and terrorist operations throughout Ukraine, which requires the development of alternative education formats for ensuring the safety of students and staff of higher education institutions; rapid technological changes and the growing use of digital tools in all spheres of life; flexibility and accessibility of education for students; innovations in education that contribute to the development of new pedagogical methods, the use of interactive technologies and personalized learning. Conclusions. The introduction of distance learning methods in higher education institutions is an extremely urgent task that requires a comprehensive approach and consideration of various aspects, starting from technical capabilities to the psychological and social impact on the participants of the educational process. Despite the challenges that arise when transitioning to distance learning, its development prospects open wide opportunities for improving the educational process and ensuring the availability of education for all. The introduction of this form of education in higher education contributes to the actualization of the content, forms, and methods of education in accordance with the current requirements of society. The effectiveness of distance learning depends to a large extent on the scientific-methodical and material-technical support of the institution of higher education, as well as on the level of training of teachers and the readiness of students for this type of education.
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