


personality, adolescence, mental development, diagnosis, adaptation, emotions, anxiety, self-realization, self-esteem, problems


The purpose of the article is a theoretical study of the psychological features of the development of self-esteem in adolescence. The research methodology is based on solving the tasks with the use of general scientific methods of theoretical research. Today, the question of the formation and development of self-esteem of adolescents is relevant in connection with the spread of the processes of maladjustment of adolescent children to modern socioeconomic conditions of society. The problem of psychological features of the development of self-esteem of adolescents is an extremely important factor for the further harmonious formation of the personality, which, at an inadequate level, is forced to resort to various, not always effective, mechanisms of psychological protection and coping strategies, and sometimes to destructive forms of protective behavior, that is why the study, early diagnosis of the peculiarities of the development of self-esteem of adolescents is an urgent problem of our time. Scientific novelty. Existing changes in the socio-economic life of the country, in connection with the war, demand the maximum actualization of self-expression and self-determination of the individual. Therefore, the study of the psychological features of the development of selfesteem in the structure of the self-concept of adolescence in all its complex social mediation is necessary, first of all, through the search for subjective reserves of the individual and the possibilities of optimizing social influences taking into account the characteristics of this age. It was determined that self-esteem is the most important component of personality. Regulating the process of building an individual’s interaction with the world around him, self-esteem allows him to set priorities correctly, implement the most appropriate choices for the situation, and outline his perspective for the more or less distant future based on the situational characteristics and personal capabilities. Allowing you to correctly correlate your strengths and weaknesses, self-esteem allows an individual to organically join the process of social interaction. Conclusion. The article states that self-esteem is an element of self-awareness characterized by emotionally saturated assessments of oneself as a person, one’s own abilities, ethical qualities and actions; an important regulator of behavior. Self-esteem determines a person’s relationship with his environment, his criticality, self-demandingness, attitude to successes and failures.


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