


inclusive education, postgraduate teacher training, primary education, remedial methods, children with special educational needs


The purpose of the article is to characterize the features and significance of postgraduate training of teachers for the implementation of correctional methods in primary education. The research methodology is based on a combination of such theoretical methods as analysis, synthesis and generalization. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that, using the method of analysis of scientific literature, models of assessment and support for students with special educational needs have been identified and analyzed. The attention is focused on the problems that arise in the process of pedagogical activities of teachers’ general education working with "special" children. It is emphasized that the need to train teachers for the successful implementation of correctional methods, including primary education, is due to increased requirements for the personality and teachers’ professional training, as well as a social order based on the realities of modern reality. Conclusions. Teachers’ postgraduate training for the implementation of correctional methods in primary education, taking into account the students’ special educational needs, should ensure the formation and development of teachers' skills: to change the curriculum and educational programs; change the methods of assessing learning outcomes (student’s achievements); use variable special and alternative teaching methods; select textbooks, teaching aids, prepare individual educational materials; create a barrier-free environment and adapt the place of study; use compensatory and technical means in the educational process with students with special needs; interact with other specialists; comprehensive interaction with a teacher-assistant; comprehensive social and pedagogical assistance.


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