cultural-humanistic paradigm, humanistic values, professional development, future teachers of foreign languages, intercultural interactionAbstract
The purpose of the article is to analyze the features of the cultural-humanistic paradigm in the professional formation of the future teacher of foreign languages. The research methodology is based on a combination of theoretical analysis of scientific literature with the methods of comparative studies and systematics. The cultural-humanistic paradigm is the foundation for the formation of a comprehensively developed teacher of foreign languages, who not only possesses professional competencies but also has humanistic values necessary for successful work in the modern educational space. The basis of the cultural-humanistic paradigm of foreign language teachers is the synthesis of several interrelated theoretical approaches that interact with each other, complement each other, and provide a systematic approach to the educational process. The cultural-humanistic paradigm of foreign language teachers encompasses a wide range of theoretical approaches, including humanistic, cultural, sociocultural, and critical, reflecting the multifaceted nature of the language learning process. The development of language competence is inextricably linked with the formation of cultural awareness, which is the key task of a modern foreign language teacher. The scientific novelty is that using the method of analysis of the influence of the cultural-humanistic paradigm on the training of future teachers of foreign languages, attention was focused on key aspects: the formation of cultural competence, the development of emotional intelligence, critical thinking, technology integration, and intercultural communication. Conclusions. The systematic use of interactive methods, digital resources, intercultural projects, and reflective practices in the training of foreign language teachers ensures their professional growth. It contributes to forming a confident specialist who can adapt to the requirements of the modern educational environment.
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