burnout, military personnel, partner countries, mental healthAbstract
Over the past decade, the issue of professional burnout among military personnel has become extremely relevant. The intense combat operations, frequent rotations, constant threat to life, emotional stress and unstable conditions of service create a favorable basis for the development of burnout syndrome among servisemen. Increased demands on professional skills, leadership qualities, and psychological stability further exacerbate these risks. The purpose of the article is to study the dynamics and analyze the peculiarities of professional burnout the personnel of the of partner countries over the past ten years in order to create effective strategies for preventing and overcoming this syndrome, which will increase the combat capability and professional efficiency of the military personnel of the Ukrainain Armed Forces. The research methodology. Using the methods of scientific cognition (the synthesis, the analysis, the generalization), the relevance of the current study was revealed, which is seen in the importance of diagnosing and the need to implement other approaches, methods and tools for studying the professional burnout of military personnel, which are reliable and valid, taking into account foreign experience. The scientific novelty. The definitions and factors influencing the development of burnout in the military personnel of the Ukrainain Armed Forces and partner countries are highlighted, the prevalence and levels of professional burnout in certain categories are analyzed, the main symptoms that have the greatest negative impact on the performance of their duties and the tools, which used to identify this syndrome. Conclusions. It has been established that professional burnout of military personnel, as a state of extreme physical and mental exhaustion, loss of interest and positive emotions about work, reduced efficiency and productivity, is an insufficiently studied but extremely common phenomenon. The study of foreign experience in defining, reviewing the main symptoms and valid tools for this issue is necessary in today's conditions for develop adapted interventions and preventive strategies to improve the psychological climate and effectively overcome burnout in the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
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