children of older preschool age, sense of humor, educational method, emotional intelligence, forms of humor, means of humor, jokes, laughter, comic, gamesAbstract
The article states that the center of modern educational interaction is the child, with his inclinations, gifts, talents, individuality, and abilities that significantly distinguish each individual in the group of children. The purpose is to summarize and systematize the methods of raising a sense of humor (forms, methods and techniques, means and technologies) in senior preschool children in a holistic educational process. Research methodology is based on a combination of psychological, pedagogical and cultural analysis the phenomenon of sense of humor in senior preschoolers; acmeological approach to study the development of humor as a key characteristic of a child's social and emotional maturity; game approach, which focuses on game forms of activity, which are the leading form of interaction in preschool age. The scientific novelty is that the ‘sense of humor of senior preschoolers’ is defined as the ability of a child of 6 (7) years old to notice and perceive humor, construct and disseminate comic to others, react emotionally, evaluate and express emotional and sensual attitude towards it. The article substantiates a cross-cutting and holistic methods of raising a sense of humor in senior preschoolers, which is implemented: in organized educational and cognitive activities, in cultural and leisure practices in the form of holidays and entertainment, during children's independent free activity, etc. Organized and systematized, innovative means of fostering a sense of humor in older preschool children include humor in the family circle, entertainment web-quests, humorous board games, creating comics, collecting and summarizing children's funny actions, situations, stories from children's real life, funny songs and dances - jokes by modern authors and composers, humorous theatrical interactive performances, etc. Conclusions. In general, story-game humorous classes significantly increase cognitive interest, stimulate children's activity, mobilize their attention, concentration, and therefore can last a little longer than traditional classes. It is concluded that humor organically woven into the content and form of board games contributes to the successful and quick assimilation of the norms of game behavior, because the rules are offered to children as if by the game itself, and therefore, the process of their assimilation takes place on the basis of positive emotions and motives.
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