health-preserving competence, physical education teacher, postgraduate education, methodology, health pedagogy, anima, soma, euthymia, harmonization, paideia, somatotonia, ethics, aestheticization, cordocentrismAbstract
Abstract. In the article, based on the methodological reflection of the problem of interaction in the anima/soma system, the conceptualization of integrative developmental and health-preserving strategies aimed at the development of the healthpreserving competence of the physical culture teacher is represented. The analysis of the interaction in the anima/soma system was carried out on the basis of: the use of human-dimensional ideas of the ancient Greek cultural and educational system of paideia, cordocentrism and virtual psychology, through the methodological and value understanding of the pathocharacteristic phenomenon of somatization and the application of the theory of functional systems. On the basis of the conducted analysis, the relative autonomy in the anima/soma system is determined. Accordingly, anima and soma can be defined as qualitatively different ontologies that are not reducible to the material substrate – the human organism. This autonomy is presented in the form of a prerequisite for the development of both integrative and complementary interactions in the anima/soma system and as a basis for the formation of competitive effects. Competitive interactions in the anima/soma system are represented as deep anthropological and spiritual prerequisites for psychological and spiritual health disorders, as well as significant aspects of disharmonious development, including a negative impact on a person’s character, behavior, and social and cultural adaptation. On the basis of the methodological and value understanding of the interaction in the anima/soma system, the methodological ideas of integration, harmonization, complementarity and synergistic interaction are updated. The idea of integration and harmonization in the anima/soma system is the basis of the developed integrative developmental and health-preserving strategies, which are represented by the following concepts: euthymia and harmonization, self-care, cordocentric strategy, architectural and artistic strategy of aestheticization. These strategies were developed with the aim of developing the health-preserving competence of the physical education teacher and improving educational practices and health-preserving technologies. The goal of these strategies is also the professionalization of the teacher and the development of his professional subjectivity and intellectual, ethical, and aesthetic improvement. Integrative developmental and health-preserving strategies are significant components of this methodological system, and also represent a practical-technological toolkit for health preservation and multifaceted personality development.
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