didactic support, forms for laboratory work, educational process, natural and mathematical disciplinesAbstract
The purpose of the article is to highlight the possibilities of using special didactic support for conducting laboratory classes in the disciplines “Fundamentals of information processing” and “Mathematical modeling of the actions of border units” for the training of future officers of the State Border Service of Ukraine, in the analysis of the experience of conducting laboratory classes in the disciplines of the natural and mathematical cycle in the conditions of quarantine restrictions and full-scale invasion, and in providing pedagogical staff with recommendations regarding the formation of didactic support for these classes. The scientific novelty is that, based on the analysis of methodical and scientific literature, practical experience, the content and structure of didactic support of laboratory classes, which are performed using application software in unsuitable premises, including shelters, are determined. The structure of didactic material (forms of laboratory works), the structure of didactic support for classes that can be held in difficult conditions has been clarified. Methodological recommendations were given to pedagogical workers on the formation of didactic support for laboratory classes using computer equipment that are conducted in shelters and online. The developed didactic support allows you to conduct such classes without loss of efficiency, contributes to better assimilation of educational material and the formation of graphic and staff culture of future officers. The samples of didactic materials proposed by the authors have practical significance for the formation of professional qualities of future officers, since the content of the selected educational content has a professional orientation, all proposed tasks contribute to the formation of professionally significant skills and abilities. Conclusions. The authors of the article believe that the use of this kind of didactic support allows for a targeted impact on the formation of analytical and synthetic skills and the development of critical thinking of future border guards and can be applied in the study of a number of educational disciplines, both general scientific and professional.
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