



emotional intelligence, stages of emotional intelligence formation, theatrical activity, means of theatrical activity, preschool education, senior preschool age


The purpose of the article is to define the concept of “emotional intelligence”, the characteristics of its main components, which must be formed in senior preschoolers in the XXI century; substantiation of the specifics of the formation and development of emotional intelligence of pupils of the senior group of special education by means of theatrical activity. The research methodology is based on taking into account the specifics of activity (the formation of emotional intelligence occurs during the theatrical activity of a senior preschooler), systemic (emotional intelligence is a system that has a component structure) and humanistic (awareness of the personality of a pupil of the older group of SEN as the highest value in the process of forming their emotional intelligence) approaches during the formation of emotional intelligence in a senior preschooler by means of theatrical activities. The following methods were used during the study of the outlined question: analysis of scientific and pedagogical literature and field normative documents, study of pedagogical experience in accordance with the research topic; observation of theatrical activities of senior preschoolers; generalization and specification for formulating conclusions. The scientific novelty is that the stages of the development of the emotional intelligence of a pupil of the senior group of special education (motivation-value, cognitive, educational, practical, creative (according to I. Andreeva)) have been adapted and characterized by the means of theatrical activity. Conclusions. The article describes the features of the step-by-step formation of emotional intelligence in a senior preschooler by means of theatrical activities. As a result of the study, the specifics of the formation of emotional intelligence in preschool pupils by means of theatrical activities were outlined, the effectiveness of the use of theatrical activities for the development of emotional intelligence in children of senior preschool age was proven.


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