


language localization, future translators, digital products, linguistics, adaptation, translation


The purpose of the article is to analyze the peculiarities of language localization of modern digital products in order to form recommendations for students of linguistic training, in particular future translators. The research methodology is based on the analysis and systematization of psychological and pedagogical literature on the research topic; semantic, linguistic-pragmatic and linguistic-stylistic analysis of the text; comprehensive analysis of features of language localization of digital products for a foreign language target audience. The scientific novelty is that it has been established that the goal of the localization process is the linguistic and cultural adaptation of a digital product to the territory of its distribution with the help of various computer programs. With this in mind, several key pieces of technical knowledge are outlined, the mastery of which will increase the competitiveness of future translator-localizers: understanding the principles of HTML as a key localization skill; knowledge of XML as a tool for localized content; knowledge of the most common character sets; knowledge of Unicode; mastery of modern CAT tools that help optimize the workflow and are designed to increase productivity. Conclusions. Given the peculiarities of language localization of modern digital products, recommendations have been developed for improving the training of linguistic students for language localization. In particular, it is proposed to supplement it with the following problematic issues: distribution of activities in localization projects; depth of website localization; pre-translation analysis and preparation of materials for translation; interaction between various project participants; terminological work and assessment of translation quality; impact of search engine optimization on translation; “dehumanizing” aspects of localization, etc.


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