


scientific and pedagogical aspects, information technologies, distance education, foreign language, higher educational institution


The purpose of the article is to highlight and describe the main scientific and pedagogical aspects of learning a foreign language in the conditions of distance learning, which is extremely relevant in our time, especially in modern socio-political and socio-economic conditions. The methodology is based on an empirical group of methods (conversations, observation of general and individual pedagogical phenomena in the modern world using the example of one's own practice, study of documentation), on comparative principles (comparison of the use of various information technologies in the process of implementation and application of distance education), on analysis and synthesis (analysis of pedagogical activity and open sources of information and synthesis of information to highlight advantages and disadvantages of online learning, analysis of various platforms and resources that can be used in the process of online learning), induction and deduction (summarization of empirical data and knowledge, formation of conclusions from the general to the specific), as well as by the method of abstraction (separating the specific from the general). The scientific novelty lies in the fact that, along with the analysis of information sources and the selection of the main information related to the subject of research, the generalization of information, one's own experience in using certain tools and resources that can be useful in the process of implementing and applying distance education is also presented. Conclusions. Based on the analysis of information and personal experience, the main aspects, advantages and disadvantages of online education were determined, among which the main advantages are a more flexible education system and empowerment, and among the disadvantages — dependence on devices and Internet connections, which are not always can meet all the requirements to ensure quality education. There are two main forms of distance learning: traditional distance learning and electronic distance learning, each of which has its own characteristics. The use of distance education, even under normal conditions of the socio-economic and political state of society, can significantly improve the quality of education and expand opportunities for both teachers and students of higher education.


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