


waste, solid household waste


This article is dedicated to the analysis of solid household waste and its management in the context of contemporary environmental challenges. The situation with household waste in Cherkasy region is investigated based on data from 2021. Problematic aspects are highlighted, and possible ways to optimize waste management systems are proposed to ensure sustainable development and environmental safety of the region. The implementation of effective strategies for managing solid household waste (SHW) is an urgent task for many regions. The status of household waste in Europe is a subject of serious attention and strategic planning. European Union countries are actively implementing waste management programs and progressing towards a circular economy. This includes improving recycling technologies, incentivizing material processing, and reducing waste generation. Europe emphasizes increasing public awareness and efficient resource utilization to minimize negative impacts on the environment. The aim of the article is to conduct a thorough analysis of the management and processing of household waste in Cherkasy region, focusing on the year 2021. The study aims to examine the effectiveness of existing strategies, identify key problems, and propose innovative solutions aimed at improving ecological resilience and optimizing waste management in the region. The scientific novelty of the work lies in a deep analysis of the impact of global trends in managing solid household waste. The research takes into account the integration of international waste management strategies and identifies key factors defining the sustainability and responsibility in waste management in this region. For the first time, possibilities of a circular economy and innovative approaches to achieving ecological resilience are highlighted. The research methodology is based on a combination of several methodological approaches. Firstly, it utilizes the analysis of statistical data for the year 2021 regarding the volumes and composition of solid household waste in the Cherkasy region. Additionally, a literature review is conducted to evaluate the impact of global strategies and the advanced experiences of other regions on the local situation. Conclusions.The developed regional waste management plan will create a foundation and choose the optimal scenario for implementing a comprehensive waste management system in the region by 2030, with the division of the region’s territory into clusters.


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