



state control, education management, educational sphere, public service, public environment


The article substantiates one of the main functions of management in educational institutions, namely the function of control by state authorities and local self-government through the use of electronic management. It is noted that an important process by which state and local self-government bodies implement the plans in the public environment is nothing but control. Types of control should include inspection, verification, supervision, institutional audit, monitoring, accreditation, and therefore, all that and by which the public service in Ukraine and the countries of the world is distinguished. Since the main priority of any state is the educational sphere, control processes are of particular importance. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the control related to the branches of public administration, which should include education in Ukraine. The research methodology is based on a combination of such methods as analysis, synthesis and generalization. The author notes that methods of research during monitoring can be: testing; surveys (questionnaires, interviews); observation of the educational process and educational activities in educational institutions; analysis of documentation of educational institutions. Attention is focused on the fact that the transfer of responsibility for decision-making from top to bottom, the delegation of increasingly greater powers to lower management bodies objectively require strengthening control in public administration, without which the state system is threatened with negative consequences: from dictatorship to the collapse of the state. The scientific novelty of the work lies in the fact that the author draws attention to the fact that with the help of control, state authorities and local self-government as subjects receive information that allows them to make adjustments in their own management and regulatory actions, which are determined by executive functions. The activity of control subjects united in a certain structure, aimed at achieving management goals, is defined as a control process. The author draws attention to the fact that control in the sphere of state administration is carried out to one degree or another by all government bodies together with local self-government, but the content of control activities, scope, forms and methods, and their actual purpose have significant differences among different subjects: for some bodies control is the main activity of public administration, for others it is an element in the performance of the main function. Therefore, control in the field of management is carried out by both special control bodies and bodies of general competence. Conclusions. Thus, the goals of control carried out by state and local self-government bodies are considered not only to ensure legality in the public environment, but also to determine further prospects for the development and achievement of the well-being of territorial entities, the introduction of innovations, for example, characterized by technical means of extended functionality, support and increasing the volume of communications between civil servants, employees of the budget sector, municipalities, and broad sections of the population in the public environment. And here, too, the educational sphere plays a key role, because it is with it that all other social, industrial, and humanitarian spheres are interconnected, resulting in a concentrating center.


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