


mediation, mediation, conflicts in the organization, conflictological competence, psychology of conflicts, communication skills, specialists in the sphere of management and administration


In the modern world, where conflicts are an integral part of professional and personal life, the development of conflict-related competence of managers becomes a critically important task. One of the effective tools for achieving this goal is mediation. This article examines the psychological aspect of mediation as a means of developing the conflictrelated competence of managers. The purpose of the article is: to analyze mediation as a means of development conflict-related competence of leaders and managers, focusing on the psychological aspects of this process as well as whichpsychological factors can affect the effectiveness of mediationprocess for management personnel. Research task: study and analysis of psychological aspectsconflicts in management activities; research of theoretical foundationsmediation and its influence on the development of conflict competence. Research methods. To solve the taskstheoretical methods were used: analysis, comparison, generalization,systematization of theoretical data. The scientific novelty of the study lies in what is revealed more deeplynew aspects of the effectiveness of mediation in the development of conflictcompetence, and how exactly mediation affects managerial psychologyactivity Mediation, as a method of conflict resolution, is becoming increasingly relevant in management practice. The article examines the role of mediation in the development of conflict-related competence of managers, focusing on the psychological aspect of this process. First of all, the essence of the conflict and the impact it has on organizational activity are considered; the psychological nature of the conflict is analyzed, including its internal and external aspects, the relationship with the personal characteristics of specialists. The psychological aspect of using mediation is explored, pointing out the importance of the ability to manage emotions, perceive and understand the views of others, and build constructive relationships. In particular, the role of empathy, active listening and communication skills in the mediation process is considered. In addition, the article explores psychological strategies that can be used by managers during mediation to achieve effective results, including conflict management and compromise techniques. On the basis of the conducted research, recommendations are put forward regarding the use of mediation as a means to develop the conflict-related competence of managers from a psychological point of view, which can contribute to increasing the efficiency of managerial activities and improving psychological comfort in the organization. The conclusions highlight the importance of the influence of psychological aspects of mediation for the development of conflict-related competence of managers. The need to implement mediation practices in the business environment to improve the effectiveness of conflict management and ensure stability and psychological comfort in organizations is emphasized.


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