civil society, civil society institutions, civil organizations, civil hubs, civil unions, network of civil society organizations, international cooperation, grant and project activities, factors of civil hubs developmentAbstract
This publication explores the trends in the development of civil society in Ukraine from 2016 to the present. The author of the article pays special attention to the importance of public organizations as a social institution that promotes dialogue and cooperation between the community and the state. The paper describes the challenges and problems that arise in the activities of civil society institutions, in particular, the insufficient level of infrastructure development for the establishment of partnership interactions. It substantiates the expediency of organizing civil society hubs as an effective means of solving these challenges. The article aims to analyze the positive experience of civil society hubs (using the example of the HUB “City of Contents” in Vinnytsia), emphasizing the importance of organizing such social spaces to enhance the institutional capacity of civil organizations and consolidate efforts in fostering dialogue and interaction between the government and the community. The methodological basis of the research consists of empirical research methods, namely: description, comparison, analysis of statistical data, and methods of theoretical cognition, including generalization and analysis, moving from concrete to abstract. The scientific novelty of the work lies in identifying and analyzing factors that have a positive impact on the organization and practical activities of civil society spaces. The conclusions of the article emphasize the significant role of such factors as constant communication with local authorities; creation of a documentary base regulating activities at the local and state levels; studying and implementing foreign experience, establishing cooperation with international donor organizations and interaction with territorial communities and CSOs of Ukraine; use of various forms and methods of work in face-to-face, remote and mixed formats; systematic monitoring of requests from different segments of the target audience; flexibility in responding to the challenges and needs of the time, building a communication strategy, promoting one’s own activities and sharing experience with similar institutions in Ukraine and abroad.
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