


competencies, leader, leadership, public servant, strategic competence, professional competence, strategic competence, information, information-communication-digital literacy, management, electronic document flow


The purpose of the article is to study the essence of information-communication-digital literacy as an indicator of leadership, which is a requirement of the manager’s strategic competence. Research methodology. The research methodology is based on a combination of philosophical (systematicity, dialectical contradiction, unity of quality and quantity, dialectical negation, development, causality, etc.) and concrete-thematic (basic provisions of the psychology of computerization; the concept of three waves of civilizational development, etc.) principles with systematic, scientific and verification methods. The scientific novelty is that, using the method of analysis of scientific literature in order to determine the structure of information-communication-digital literacy as an indicator of the leadership of a public servant. Conclusions. Based on the study of scientific literature, it was established that the managerial activity of a public servant in the information and digital society is characterized by information openness; using electronic document management; the presence of a system of citizens’ appeals in electronic format and online discussions; conducting advanced training in online format; monitoring and evaluating the level of interaction with the public. The analysis of the new format of work of managers, which is based on the use of remote technologies and provides an opportunity to take into account personal safety, was carried out. Thus, the essence of leadership is that followers recognize the leader only when he has proven his competence and value to them. A leader derives power from followers, and in order to maintain it, he must provide them with the opportunity to satisfy his needs. In return, followers satisfy the leader’s need for power over them and provide him with the support he needs. Information, communication and digital literacy of a public servant includes a set of skills that allow a manager to effectively search, evaluate, use and process information; interact effectively with other people, including the ability to express one’s thoughts and feelings clearly and comprehensibly, to listen and understand others, and to build harmonious and productive relationships; interact effectively with a computer and any other devices and software, create, develop a digital, online environment for the formation of strategic competence, effective professional activity and improvement of the quality of life.


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