


agrolandscapes, agrocenoses, geobotanical zoning, ecoflorotopological complex, semi-natural phytocenoses.


Abstract. The purpose of the article is to conduct a comparative analysis of local phytocenoses and identify similarities and differences in the species composition of plants of semi-natural phytocenoses. The methodology involved conducting research in the Forest-Steppe Zone of Ukraine in 5 geobotanical districts: the Central Podilsk District (Vinnytsia Region); the northern Pravoberezhnopridniprovsky district (Kyiv Region); Pravoberezhnopridniprovsk Central Committee of the District (Cherkasy O Region); South Podolsk District (Odesa Region); southern Pravoberezhnopridniprovsky district (Kirovohrad Region). The analysis of the affinity of the flora of semi-natural phytocenoses was determined by the similarity coefficient (Jaccarat, Kj). The territories chosen for analysis are characterized by an equivalent degree of study of all systematic groups of plants. The scientific novelty of the work was that the experimentally obtained result is presented in the form of a constellation of similarities of the general species composition of the phytobiota. The chosen methodological approach made it possible to visually show the structure and the most significant connections between the compared semi-natural phytocenoses. Conclusions. It was determined that the flora of semi-natural phytocenoses and agrocenoses of the main crops shows significant originality in terms of species and taxonomic composition and has a significant difference, which is associated with physical and geographical location, soil and climatic conditions and the degree of anthropogenic load on phytocenoses. Close correlations between territorially and closely located phytocenoses, and insignificant correlation dependence between phytocenoses of geobotanical regions: the southern and northern parts of the Forest Steppe of Ukraine (PvPO ↔ PdO; PvO ↔ CPO) and the eastern and western parts (CPO ↔ TSO, PvPO ↔ TSO) ) of the studied region.


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