


public administration, educational institution, psychological aspects.


Abstract. The purpose of the article is the analysis of the approaches to identifying the place and meaning of educational establishment public management in the promotion of social innovative processes. The normative system, which contains the means of understanding the basic concepts for this problem, can not only be the key to a better understanding of the things that happen in educational organizations, but also give a new impulse to the actions which are taken in the sphere of their management. The first principle is close cooperation with the community as the owner. Which means that all the decisions in the domain of education are exclusively directed to one goal: the development of the community. The second one is the need to consider the specifics of education as a branch. It is often difficult even to select unequivocal and simple equivalents for definitions, which are being used, in the management organizations beyond the domain of education. And the third one is the diversity of approaches to management issues. In particular, the adoption of a social cultural perspective as an approach to the management of the educational establishment. It is far from the full range of psychological approaches to the public management of educational establishment for the promotion of social innovative processes. In the context of the above, we propose to rely on the concept of organizational culture by G. Hofstede. It is represented by the organizational culture levels, in particular, collective – individual one, and the definition that they are formed in the process of interaction between members of the community (team, group, etc.) and are passed from the older to the younger, for example, from teachers to students, from senior teachers to junior teachers, from experienced colleagues to newly appointed school principals.


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