competences, immovable cultural heritage, political culture, managementAbstract
The purpose of the research is to analyze the goal-setting and competence of public managers for the protection of immovable cultural heritage determined by international guidelines, to identify the key issues of the development of cooperation in this area, and to develop synthetic definitions. The research methodology is complex with the application of system analysis and the principles of management theory (cybernetics) and system-structural synthesis based on the general theory of systems, as well as the semantic-logical method of naming and classifying phenomena. The scientific novelty of the work lies in the fact that, for the first time, the problem of the lack of international consensus in the field of immovable cultural heritage protection on political culture as a necessary unifying personal competence, on integral special competences of managers has been raised, and appropriate terminological definitions have been formulated in accordance with Ukrainian traditions of branch management activity. Conclusions. The decisively significant obstacles to harmonious reciprocity – against the background of the development during the second half of the 20th and the beginning of the 21st centuries of industry experience through the adoption of a number of guidance documents of specialized international organizations and forums on the protection of immovable cultural heritage, including recommendations on the competences of managers – turned out to be the pronounced centrism of civilizational identities, such as the European one, and the lack of a consensus definition for the competencies of public managers of their political culture. In the field of protection of monuments and sites, which involves their use in the interests of the world community, when each regional object presents the relevant national heritage at the world level, the decisive driving force should be an unambiguously equal treatment not only of any immovable cultural heritage, but as well as approaches to its preservation, use and presentation. The political culture of managers must be defined as a personal quality of mutual respect and the ability to negotiate without denying other identities, respectively, recognizing other approaches, traditions and interests, including the development of the national educational space, scientific, technical and industrial environment. In order for the manager to fully understand the local cultural identity, in the structure of competence of the public manager for the protection of immovable cultural heritage, which is systemically unified, along with his conditionally basic, properly managerial or administrative, personal educational and general technical competences, integral special competences are also defined. Integral competencies of public managers for the protection of immovable cultural heritage should be mandatory competencies – architectural and compositional, restoration, art history, archeography, country history.
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