



traditions, cultural diplomacy, public administration, state image, European state, cultural exchanges


Goal. The article is devoted to the implementation of traditions of cultural diplomacy, with the help of which our state will be able not only to increase the effectiveness of foreign policy, but also to raise the prestige of its own country; to overcome the prejudiced attitude towards Ukraine; strengthen the international recognition of the state. Cultural diplomacy is one of the most effective and significant means of implementing the foreign policy strategy of any state that claims an important role in the system of modern international relations. The research methodology is based on a combination of philosophical: systematicity, dialectical contradiction, unity of quality and quantity, dialectical negation, development, causality. The traditions of cultural diplomacy as a tool of public administration contribute to broad opportunities for integration at the current stage of state development. The scientific novelty is that, using the method of analysis of scientific literature and the results of empirical research, an analysis of the impact of the ways of implementing the traditions of cultural diplomacy on the national security of the country was carried out. In the study, the role of flexible factors is completely increasing, the effectiveness of “soft” instruments of influence on the system of international relations is increasing due to the promotion of a positive image of the country based on the attractiveness of the values and culture of its nation; spreading one’s own language and popularizing its study abroad; separation of cultural heritage; popularization of achievements of countries of different spheres and scales; suggesting the values of political culture; demonstration of an attractive lifestyle. Conclusions. Therefore, this article examines the complex of ways of implementing diplomacy as a tool of public management of a modern European state and substantiates the opinion about the involvement of all tools of cultural diplomacy, the so-called “soft power” of the state, causes that prevent the strengthening of the international image of Ukraine, the role of domestic and foreign policy in creating the image of Ukraine is determined. It is concluded that a purposeful state policy of supporting positive and neutralizing negative stereotypes, forming the image of Ukraine in the international space, effective brand and reputation management should be carried out in Ukraine. In the period of acceleration of the processes of globalization, there is an urgent need to declare the European aspirations of Ukraine as a country of the European Union, which can become an example of the formation of traditions of cultural diplomacy at the current stage of the state’s development.


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