


factors for formation of the international image of the state, soft and hard power, stable (unchanging) factors, dynamic (flexible) factors, sustainable development, foreign and domestic policy, corruption, digitalization


The aim of the article is to systematize the factors of formation of the international image of the state, which is presented at the current stage of development. The research methodology is based on the use of a complex approach related to the systematization of the provisions of the approaches regarding the signs and composition of influencing factors. The scientific novelty of the work lies in the fact that for the first time a universal list of factors in the formation of the international image of the state is formulated, taking into account the most common approaches presented by scientists and based on the results of research of empirical materials. Conclusions. It has been proven that at the current stage of the development of international relations there is no generally accepted composition of factors for the formation of the international image of the state. It was determined that this is due to the fact that each country has its own characteristics of development in various spheres of management, life activities, and carries out the construction of this element of state identification in view of certain traditions. It is noted that although states that demonstrate a high level of international integration, in particular, developed EU countries, manage a fairly universal set of factors, as they focus on common trade and economic, social (including migration), legal, military, defense, and environmental goals. It was established that among the most common factors of the formation of the international image of the state, which are focused on at the current stage of development, can be singled out, in particular: the level of sustainable development of the state in terms of balanced provision of economic, social, and environmental goals; fixed (unchangeable) (factor of cultural heritage, monuments, due to which tourism demand is supported; factor of the state of natural resources) and dynamic (flexible) factors (the level of attitude to corruption in the state, which can change in view of the state of development of society; a factor in the development of sports, with the help of which the country can act as a center of international sports competitions, growth of tourist flows; a factor in the development of technologies, education and science; a factor in economic development; a factor in the type and nature of foreign and domestic policy); factors of soft and hard power.


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