


social mechanisms, social entrepreneurship, innovation, vulnerable population groups, public spending, social mission


The article examines the foreign experience of institutionalization and development of social entrepreneurship, defines the main models of legislative consolidation of its basic concepts and norms. Therefore, it is possible to borrow from the American system the system of certification of social enterprises, which documents the fact that the enterprise is engaged in socially beneficial, non-profit activities. In addition, it would be worthwhile to borrow the principles of granting loans to finance specific social programs and budget grants for the creation and development of social enterprises. From the Polish system of organizing social entrepreneurship, the fact that at least half of the members of such an organization should be occupied by representatives of vulnerable segments of the population – these are people with limited opportunities, those who find themselves in a difficult life situation, etc. Ukraine can use certain features of the British model, but it would not be advisable to fully implement such a model, because there is a risk of low efficiency in managing the development of social entrepreneurship, in the absence of a general, uniform legal model for all. The main features of global social entrepreneurship are revealed, its main features and characteristic features are analyzed, and its differences from both traditional business and volunteer activity are determined. It was established that in modern conditions there is an insufficient level of development of social entrepreneurship in Ukraine, which is primarily due to the lack of a legislative framework that would clearly define the concept of «social entrepreneurship» and regulate the procedure for the creation and operation of social enterprises. Provision of proposals regarding legal models of social entrepreneurship acceptable for Ukraine, taking into account the current development. The need to strengthen the role of the state in creating favorable conditions for the development of social entrepreneurship is emphasized.


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