environmental taxes, greening of the economy, transport incomes, rational use of nature, non-waste industry, reconstructive energy resources.Abstract
Abstract. The aim of the article is to analyze the economic and technological mechanisms of influence on the level of environmental preservation processes, taking into account the dynamics of economic development in the global world. It is proposed to study and implement the countries’ experience of market economies in the formation of modern and rational environmental policy using innovative tools for greening and technologicalization of the economy. A number of important indicators characterizing the dynamics of transport incomes and environmental payments in the countries of the European Union are analyzed and the prospects of the immensity of the use of renewable energy sources and their alternative impact on the development of global energy systems are given. The concept of implementation of environmental projects and programs through the change of economic and technological approaches that significantly affect the level of environmental quality is defined. The research methodology is based on a comprehensive comparative analysis of modernization of environmental taxes and transport fees for environmental pollution, applied a systematic approach that determines the impact of economic and technological levers on the development of ‘green’ economy and production as well as use of ‘clean’ vehicles. The scientific novelty of the work includes the creation of a multi-vector concept of evaluation of indicators and the use of economical – technological and environmental control approaches in the study of environmental issues. Conclusions. The most important stimulus for sustainable development of the world is the implementation of innovative environmental, economic and technological policies, that should be primarily aimed at preserving the environment and rational use of natural resources. The environmental vector of fiscal policy should be aimed at creating such tax instruments that will be one of the guarantors of effective impact on the environmental issues. It is important to pay attention to the need of the environmental efficiency increase of the use of financial and technological instruments that will significantly reduce the negative impact on ecosystems and stimulate environmental investment.
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