


The Concept of the New Ukrainian School, Ukrainian language and reading, national-speech personality, upbringing, text


The purpose of the article is to reveal the peculiarities of text work in Ukrainian language lessons with the aim of forming the national-speech identity of primary school student. The research methodology is based on the understanding of language as a means of communication, the unity of didactic and linguistic-didactic principles of learning in the conditions of the competence approach. Competence involves a combination of knowledge, abilities and skills, experience and values. The scientific novelty consists in determining the specifics of the formation of the national-speech personality of a primary school student by means of a text according to the Concept of the New Ukrainian School. It is indicated that modern primary education has changed its priorities in teaching and educating students. Comprehensive education has become an integral part of the educational process. The primary school teacher should organize the classwork in such a way that language, content, and artistic analyses of the text form a single unit, that will ensure a text-centric approach in teaching language and reading. The author revealed the current positive trends in the development of primary education on the specified issue. Among them, the following are named: thorough education of schoolchildren, separation of civic and historical educational branches; the organization of classes with inclusive education, which gives positive results in the upbringing of young school students in terms of tolerance, respect for children with special educational needs; mastering of modern teaching methods and techniques by teachers. The author examines the text from the point of view of linguistic didactic significance, its influence on the reader with the aim of forming a national-speech personality. The selection, requirements and criteria for the content of the text are indicated. Among the criteria are the following: country studies, language, educational, availability for the age category of students. Conclusions. The text is not only a language, speech unit or a coherent statement for reading, but also a certain "code" in understanding social processes, phenomena of the surrounding world, actions of people, children. It is a means of socialization of the personality, its "entry" into the real world.


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