professional training, military serviceman, National Guard of Ukraine, social, cultural, professional competence, orthobiotic approach, personalityAbstract
The purpose of the publication is to study the potential of using the orthobiotic approach in the formation of socially significant competencies of future military personnel of the National Guard of Ukraine. The research methodology is based on a combination of praxeological, systemic activity and axiological approaches, it assumes reliance on optimism as a key feature of the orthobiotic approach. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that, using the method of analysis of scientific literature and local documents, the organizational and content regulations of the professional education of future military personnel at the National Academy of the National Guard of Ukraine were defined. It is noted that socially significant competencies can be grouped into proper social, professional, and personal competencies. The orthobiotic approach involves the use of cognitive methods of synthesis of knowledge of physical culture, biology, health care technologies in the content of educational components of educational programs. This approach also involves eliminating the influence of negative factors, maintaining factors favorable to health: the culture of mental work, informational hygiene, a rational regime of nutrition, sleep and rest; organization of an individually appropriate mode of motor activity. Conclusions. The formation of socially significant competences of future military personnel in the process of professional education at the National Academy of the National Guard of Ukraine takes place through the organization of the educational environment and communication with the personnel. Orthobiotic approach determines the value of personalization technologies of professional education, purposeful psychological support of all aspects of communication with personnel. The article states that in the National Academy of the National Guard of Ukraine, the content of educational components involves the use of technologies for the development of analytical, critical, divergent thinking, orienting future servicemen of the National Guard of Ukraine to the values of a healthy lifestyle, life optimism, informational and emotional hygiene. Particularly valuable, in our opinion, is the practice of using available channels of information about the positive life experience of servicemen of the National Guard of Ukraine in educational spaces, increasing the adaptation capabilities of the body through the inclusion of the internal reserves of each personality of the future serviceman, forming the experience of relying on mentally conditioned resources from the outside. Of a priori importance in the context of the orthobiotic approach is the personalization of the educational experience for the formation of the competence of a full-fledged cultural life, the use of a broad interpretation of hygiene to ensure order in life, the mastery of actual practices of maintaining life optimism for the development of a sense of a full life, maintaining psychological well-being.
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