


Coniferous plants, morphological characteristics, bioindication, monitoring, environment, ecological standards


Coniferous plants are an essential component of ecosystems and play a significant role in the biosphere. They are sensitive to environmental changes, making them useful as bioindicators for pollution monitoring. Research Methodology: Theoretical methods utilized in this study include analysis of scientific literature, synthesis, deduction, induction, comparison, classification, and information generalization. Practical research employed fieldwork, mathematical, and morphometric methods of bioindication. Scientific novelty: Methodologies for assessing the environmental state based on a complex of morphological features of coniferous plants were developed. A comprehensive assessment of the Shevchenko microdistrict in Poltava was conducted using various bioindication methods, determining the overall ecological condition of the study area and proposing relevant ways to improve the environment. Conclusions: Results from all methods indicate that the cleanest areas are those represented by surveyed points № 4 and № 9. Point № 4 is located in a private sector of the city, distant from highways with heavy traffic, while point № 9 is in a suburban area dominated by rural landscapes, characterized by low-density vertical development and prevalence of large natural landscapes and ecosystems. To mitigate the negative impact of human economic activities on the urban environment, it is advisable to implement a complex of specific measures, including: reorganization of traffic flows in the city center and near residential areas; fuel quality control; extensive promotion of electric and biogas transportation; improvement and installation of dust removal systems and wastewater treatment systems in enterprises; reconstruction of obsolete and emergency sewerage systems; implementation of a waste separation system and creation of new production facilities for its processing and disposal; continuous monitoring of the city’s environmental situation to timely identify sources of significant threats and generate the most effective ways to eliminate them, etc.


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