


flora and fauna, higher vascular plants, rare species of plants and animals, ecosystems, nature reserve fund.


Abstract. The aim of the article is a sozological assessment of biodiversity (BD) of Eastern Podillya in the context of sustainable development of the region. The species of diversity of flora and fauna by taxa are presented. The systematic structure of the flora of higher vascular plants (HVP) is characterized, its biomorphological analysis is given. The ecological structure of HVP in relation to the water and light regime is determined. The ecological-coenotic structure of phytobiota has been established. Rarities of flora and fauna that need protection at the international, national and regional levels are considered. The state of preservation of rare species of plants and animals at three levels of protection has been established: sufficiently provided with protection; insufficient security; not provided with protection. The research methodology is based on determining the sozological assessment of BD of the Eastern Podilly region. The scientific novelty of the work is that for the first time: the general characteristic of BD is given and the annotated summary of flora HVP of the region comprising 1210 species is made; the taxonomic-typological, biomorphological, ecological-coenotic structure of phytodiversity of the region is determined; a list of flora from 222 species and a list of fauna from 340 species of different sociological categories of Eastern Podillya. Conclusions. To preserve the BD of Eastern Podillya, it is necessary to carry out a set of (regulatory, environmental, organizational, economic) measures, introducing EU Directives in the field of nature protection and the schedule of their implementation. To do this, it is necessary to implement the regulatory framework of Ukraine in the EU Directives, introducing economic incentives for landowners and land users, develop organic farming, implement environmentally friendly economic activities, sustainable use of nature, education for sustainable development. It is advisable to consider many environmental issues at the sessions of the Vinnytsia Regional Council, related to the preservation and reproduction of BD, optimization of agricultural land, support for increasing the area of objects and territories of nature reserve fund (NRF), implementation of regional ecological and emerald networks.


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