autonomy, martial law, decentralization, diversification, professional (vocational-technical) education, mechanisms, education, self-government, market of educational services, sustainable development, public management and administrationAbstract
The article substantiates the theoretical and methodological foundations of public management and administration in the system of professional (vocational-technical) education and proposes mechanisms for its functioning in the conditions of reform and modernization of the educational sector, decentralization of management, and the formation of state-public management of education in Ukraine. It was noted that it is the theoretical aspects of the formation of professional (vocational-technical) education that form the basis of the regional level in the conditions of sustainable development of society. The purpose of the article is to determine the theoretical and methodological foundations of public management and administration in the system of professional (vocational-technical) education in the conditions of sustainable development. The research methodology is based on a combination of such methods as analysis, synthesis, comparison and generalization. The author notes that the methods of conducting research during the study and analysis of the content of the formation of professional (professional-technical) education can be in the conditions of public administration: discussion; testing; poll; observation of the educational process in educational institutions. Emphasis is placed on the fact that the delegation of ever-increasing powers of public administration objectively requires the strengthening of the foundations of the formation of professional (vocational – technical) education. The scientific novelty of the work lies in the fact that the author investigates and draws attention to the fact that by identifying the main factors that hinder the development of professional (vocational-technical) education in the conditions of sustainable development of society, namely: the inconsistency of the quality of the training of qualified workers with the modern requirements of employers ; of the need to normalize the transfer of most state powers to the regional level of labor market management, education can be improved by implementing a new system of providing professional (vocationaltechnical) education services, which is based on the principles of partnership and expanding cooperation with employers and the local community. Conclusions. Thus, it has been proven that the determination of the theoretical and methodological foundations of public management and administration in the system of professional (vocational and technical) education in conditions of sustainable development is the basis for effective management of education and ensures a balanced distribution of powers and responsibilities of education management bodies at the national, regional and local levels.
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