management, territorial communities, monitoring, strategy, sustainable developmentAbstract
The strategy of balanced development of a territorial community is an official document that defines its future development over a long period. The goal of such a strategy is to ensure the sustainable development of the territorial community, taking into account social-institutional, economic, and environmental indicators. This document necessarily considers the strengths and weaknesses of the community’s development, as well as its available resources, through a so-called SWOT analysis. However, not all territorial communities have the opportunity to create and effectively implement a sustainable development strategy due to outdated approaches and the lack of response to modern social, economic, and environmental challenges. Therefore, it is essential to study, analyze, and develop effective strategic planning methods that can help communities create their own effective strategies. This is why we investigated whether the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are considered in the development strategies of territorial communities in the Vinnytsia region, as adopted by local self-government bodies. Research Methodology. The study employed the method of analyzing official websites of local self-government bodies for the presence or absence of documents (session resolutions) approving the development strategies of territorial communities and the inclusion of Sustainable Development Goals in these strategies. Scientific Novelty. Our study is the first to analyze all 63 territorial communities in the Vinnytsia region for the presence of approved documents (session resolutions) declaring the existence of a sustainable development strategy for a specific community. Conclusions. The study revealed that most territorial communities in the Vinnytsia region have developed a sustainable development strategy. Only 2 out of 63 territorial communities lack such a strategy, indicating a high level of organization in the management of territorial communities and prerequisites for the development of the socio-economic and natural resource potential of these communities. Sustainable Development Goals are included in 36 of the development strategies of territorial communities, while 25 strategies do not consider these goals, requiring significant revision.
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