


electronic document flow, electronic document, electronic document flow system, organizational management systems, modern information technology of document flow automation


The article highlights the theoretical and practical aspects of modern approaches implementation to the introduction of electronic document management in the system of public administration in Ukraine. Their advantages and disadvantages are determined. Modern information technologies that can be applied to optimize work with documents in enterprise management are considered. Well-known electronic document management systems are characterized; the main requirements for electronic document management systems are highlighted. The principles of construction and functioning of the electronic document circulation system are outlined. Attention is focused on the opportunities provided by the introduction of electronic document management in the state administration system. The purpose of the article is to analyze the ways of introducing electronic document flow into the state administration system and the conditions for their effective combination. The research methodology is based on a combination of such methods as analysis, synthesis and generalization. The author notes that the methods of research can be: testing; surveys (questionnaires, interviews); observation of the conditions of introduction of electronic document flow into the state administration system; receiving information without the involvement of participants, etc. The scientific novelty of the work lies in the fact that the author considers the issue of introducing electronic document circulation into the state administration system through the system of legal support and implementation of the tasks of electronic document circulation, namely: document database support, the task of document movement, their creation and registration, search and generation. A brief description of these systems provides an understanding of their direction and purpose. Conclusions. Analysis of the ways of introducing electronic document flow into the state administration system allows determining the conditions of their effective combination, requires careful monitoring of the situation and is carried out in the form of permanent or periodic inspection. The development of information technologies makes it possible to replace paper document flow schemes with electronic ones, which saves time, unifies the system and increases the efficiency of the enterprise.


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