



national security of Ukraine, undeclared Russian-Ukrainian war, information thematic streams, megadiscourse, news video content, propaganda, information-psychological operation (IPsO), information-psychological influence, disinformation


The article analyzes theoretical approaches to the definition of «misinformation», shows its negative role in the context of the threat to the national security of Ukraine in the conditions of the undeclared Russian-Ukrainian war; analyzed the legislative acts of Ukraine, which contain regulations on countering misinformation, in particular the laws «On national security» [18], «On information» [16], «On media» [17], «On protection of information in information and communication systems» [15], decrees of the President of Ukraine «On the decision of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine dated March 11, 2021 «On the creation of the Center for countering disinformation» [20], «Issues of the Center for countering disinformation» [13], analyzed the Information Security Strategy» approved by the decision of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine (NSDC) dated October 15, 2021 [21], analyzed the activities of the Center for Combating Misinformation, established by the President of Ukraine under the NSDC [12]. The purpose of the article is to determine the influence and threat of misinformation on the national security of Ukraine in the conditions of an undeclared war. Research methodology. To implement the goals and tasks set in the article, a complex of interrelated and complementary general scientific and special research methods was used, aimed at obtaining objective and reliable results, in particular – search and bibliographic – for theoretical analysis and systematization of sources on the issues of the existence of misinformation as a threat to national security of Ukraine; semantic-etymological – in the process of analyzing the key concepts of the research, establishing the relationship with related terms, clarifying etymological and logical-semantic aspects, systematizing the conceptual-categorical apparatus; synthesis of theoretical and empirical data – in order to identify the current state, problems, trends, factors that have a destructive effect on the processes of technological transformations and the formation of effective mechanisms of state regulation in the researched area, etc. Scientific novelty of the work lies in the fact that the author considers the issue of misinformation as an actual restriction of people’s rights to access to information, free formation and expression of opinions, as well as generally undermining trust in democratic institutions, propaganda of violence, justification of war crimes and crimes against humanity; describes the principles and mechanisms of spreading hostile misinformation, primarily on the Internet; considers modern types, tools and methods of protection against misinformation; presents the results of analytical studies on the negative role of disinformation in the life of Ukrainian society; determines the prospects of preventing the spread of hostile misinformation, especially in the conditions of a full-scale Russian-Ukrainian war. Conclusions. In the digital era, misinformation reached a «new level» and definitely became one of the main challenges for both individual states and the entire international community. That is why the development of legal mechanisms to combat this phenomenon has become more urgent than ever. In order to counter disinformation in Ukraine effectively, it is necessary to improve legislation, implement European recommendations on increasing media literacy, and develop institutions in the field of combating disinformation. Disinformation as a phenomenon needs a legal definition in Ukrainian legislation. Effective countermeasures against this phenomenon require relevant legislation that will define clear mechanisms of struggle, responsibility for disseminating disinformation, and the procedure for bringing it to justice.


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