



public administration, e-government mechanisms, electronic management technologies


The aim of the article is to analyze the philosophical foundations and identify the opportunities and limitations of e-government in public administration during the crisis. The article examines the philosophical aspect of the topic, namely the values and principles underlying e-government, and explores their impact on the formation of modern society and community development. Scientific novelty. The study presents not only the basic concepts underlying e-governance, but also reveals their philosophical roots and impact on modern public administration. This allows us to reveal not only the technological aspect, but also the fundamental value principles underlying e-government systems. In the context of public administration, the author substantiates the capabilities of an electronic system for rapid response and coordination of government and community actions. A number of constraints are analyzed, including lack of access to technology, cybersecurity issues, and economic constraints. During a crisis, it is important to maintain public trust. Electronic systems must ensure transparency and reliability of information, as this determines the level of public willingness to follow recommendations and interact with government agencies. Crisis situations may require rapid changes in the functioning of electronic systems. Flexibility and ease of implementation of changes are key qualities that allow electronic mechanisms to adapt to new challenges. It is important to ensure a high level of data confidentiality during a crisis, as electronic systems must be resistant to cyber threats and ensure the security of personal information. Conclusions. Effective use of social media in public administration allows for prompt public information, identification and response to problems, and engagement of citizens in active participation. Taking these aspects into account will allow us to expand our understanding of the role of e-government in public administration in times of instability and change.


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