


emotional intelligence, system of the main competencies of the manager, social competence, decisionmaking process


This article examines the role of emotional intelligence in the system of the manager’s core competencies. The concept of emotional intelligence, its components and levels of development are considered. The relationship between emotional intelligence and effective leadership is shown. The article examines various methods of developing emotional intelligence; it has been proven that the presence of emotional intelligence is an important competence for a successful manager’s career, therefore the development of emotional intelligence is an important element of the manager’s selfdevelopment. The article deals with the importance of having manager’s emotional intelligence, and also describes the main competencies that a successful manager should have. The author analyzed: the latest scientific research in the field of emotional intelligence and its impact on success leadership in particular; analysis of the latest research that proves that a high level of emotional intelligence helps managers better understand other people, effectively manage a team and find a common language with employees. The article studies the main roles of emotional intelligence in the system of key competencies of a manager, such as managing one’s own emotions, empathy, social competence, and others. Various methods, trainings and courses for the development of emotional intelligence in managers are also offered. More over the article provides an interesting insight into the importance of emotional intelligence for the modern manager and his success in professional activities. The conclusion is that the development of emotional intelligence is an important element of a successful manager’s career, which allows him better understanding of other people, lead a team, to be more empathetic and to find a common language with different people.


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