


climate, combating climate change, climate goals, training of ecologists, professional competences, work functions, methodical approaches, post-war recovery


The formulation of the problem is related to the catastrophic loss of natural ecosystems and damage to the environment from the large-scale Russian-Ukrainian war, which causes unpredictable consequences for the climate system of the planet. The territory of Ukraine has experienced the greatest climatic risks and environmental threats, and they are expected to increase during the period of post-war recovery and reconstruction. In this context, the training of qualified specialists capable of solving real problems in the field of environmental protection and protection on the basis of a «green» future and sustainable economic development is relevant. The purpose of the article is to find ways to transform the educational component of training qualified personnel for the environment through the development and implementation of methodical content and the introduction of the content load of the discipline «Combating Climate Change» into the educational process of professional training of an ecologist. The research methodology is based on a systematic approach in the formation of professional educational competencies of an ecologist in accordance with the determined climate goals of Ukraine in modern realities. The scientific novelty of the work lies in the fact that for the first time the need for the formation of educational competences of students specializing in ecology, which is dictated by the current changes in state legislation regarding the determination of climatic risks and countering climate change, is scientifically and methodologically substantiated. An analytical review of the current legal framework regarding Ukraine's climate obligations, educational and professional standards for training an ecologist was conducted, and an analysis of competencies, work functions, and program learning outcomes necessary for the training of an environmental specialist capable of solving real professional problems in conditions of uncertainty was carried out. Conclusions. For the training of ecologists, the academic discipline «Combating climate change» is proposed as a selective educational component of the educational and professional program «Ecology» for those seeking higher education at the bachelor's level of the educational program «Ecology». The methodical content, toolkit and content load of the discipline were developed in the focus of the problem – combating climate change and achieving the climate goals of Ukraine during the wartime and post-war recovery period; the topics of the lectures were defined, practical, individual tasks were developed and topics were proposed for independent study in a structural and logical sequence, which ensures the most effective formation of professional competences, in accordance with the requests of society.


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