


educational environment, competence, education, health.


Abstract. Building a safe and healthy educational environment is due to the need to build a safe and healthy educational environment in the new Ukrainian school to ensure children’s rights to education, health care, creating conditions for providing students with quality educational and medical services. Creating a safe and healthy educational environment will contribute to the better realization of intellectual, physical, social and emotional development of students, their potential, as well as have a positive impact on public health, economy and demography in general in Ukraine. State regulation of building a safe and healthy educational environment in educational institutions is based on the fact that students must master the knowledge, skills, abilities, ways of thinking about: creating and maintaining healthy and safe living conditions and human activities in everyday life (in everyday life, during study and work, etc.) and in emergency situations; basics of protection of human health and life from dangers, assessment of existing environmental risks and their management at the individual level; formation of individual characteristics of behavior and habits that provide the necessary level of life (according to needs, interests, etc.), a sufficient level of physical activity and healthy longevity; awareness of the importance of a healthy lifestyle and harmonious development, high efficiency, spiritual balance, maintaining and improving their own health (increase immunity, avoid various diseases, maintain a normal body weight, etc.); models of safe and nonviolent interpersonal interaction with peers and adults in various spheres of public life; knowledge and skills of healthy, rational and safe nutrition, making informed choices in favor of healthy eating; awareness of the value of life and health, their own responsibility and ability to maintain and strengthen health, improve the quality of their lives. It is extremely important to master all these competencies, not only students, their parents, teachers, mentors, assistants, but also other people who work with school-age children, provide their education, upbringing and development.


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